Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ali Pervez - A Pakistani Singer

             Pakistan’s music industry is far behind than music industries of India and other countries. The reason for especially mentioning India as comparison is because most of our talented singers prefer showcasing their talent in India. I heard someone in the morning show once say “our singers need to understand that our nation needs them, they should be proud Pakistanis’ and sing in Pakistan only”. But my question is that why shouldn’t they pursue their career in a country which appreciates and recognizes their talent and where they earn thrice more than here in our country?
            Pakistan industry’s slope went high years ago when few channels especially dedicated to music were aired. We saw a lot of singers spending lacks on their music videos and airing it, but the problem wasn’t solved. My curiosity about our own music industry forced me to interview a singer who knew this market in and out.
            “I’m passionate about singing, but I can’t take it as my permanent profession being in Pakistan” said Ali Pervez.
            Ali Pervez, 24 years old, is a singer who sang ‘dekho idher’ in the year 2010. He considers singing to be his past time whereas he is a C.E.O of an event management company. He has given live performances at various concerts, have made seven songs which are to be aired soon, have recently recorded a Qawali with pinch of pop (fusion) with the famous Qawal Amjad Sabri and fire records are soon to release his album in the market.
            When asked about his personal experience in this field of music and singing, he said, “Not so good. Indian content has more viewership than Pakistan; hence, new Pakistani singers are not promoted as much”. He told me that a lot of money is needed in order to make a video and air it; where as the economic condition of Pakistan is not stable. He said that people don’t have enough money to invest even if they are willing to take the risk. “It’s useless to spend so much money right now”, he said.
            I asked him about the good sight of being in this industry. He told me that some people like Bushra Ansari, Ayub Khawar (writer); Faizi (music composer) and many more were really helpful in guiding him. “Although they are seniors, they don’t make you feel you are new”, he said with a smiling face. He told me that he really appreciated the effort that LG made by hosting a talent show by the name of “Awaz Banaye Star”. He thinks there should be more of such shows to give a starting platform to new talent.
            He said that one needs to be passionate about singing which is the only source that can lead him/her to stay in this field. “I’m currently working on one of my songs video. It should be out soon”, Ali said. On asking about one thing that he would want to suggest in making the industry better he answered, “I want our government to support music industry”.

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