Friday, June 8, 2012

Buying Vitamin Supplements Without Prescription.

            Vitamins and health supplements are increasingly being seen at the stores now days; in fact stores are opened in different localities dedicated to these supplements. People now avoid going to the doctor or consultant for guidance, they think it’s an easier way to go to the store, read what’s written on the packaging and buy if impressed.
            I visited a supplement store at super market behind ‘motas’ for the purpose of finding reasons for customers’ direct purchase. “I go to office each day, I don’t have time to go to gym or to a consultant, therefore, I find what I need from this store through the help of the shop keeper and satisfy my need of taking care of myself”, said Fayyaz, a customer.
            I saw many people going in and out of the store and I asked them all the same question that I asked Fayyaz. I got different answers which included the problems of lack of time, massive amount of work load, availability and the increasing fee of consultants and gyms. 
            The people who came to the location just to visit a super store nearby were asked if they prefer buying these vitamins and supplements or not. Majority said that they would never take the risk of buying them without proper recommendation. Few said that they only trust few brands like Omega, Ensure and Surbex; otherwise they don’t buy. Mehnaz, one of the shoppers, said “There was this time when I had immense hair fall problem which led me to the consumption of one of the supplements available off the shelf. It do nothing but make me almost bald, my clean and clear skin turned into a surface full of pimples and added more weigh on me. It was the last time I’d tried a supplement”
            Human body is designed to function in a particular way; hence the system of your body shouldn’t be played with your personal assumptions and decisions. Doctors are said to be doctors for a reason which all of us don’t have. They have a degree which they get after acquiring every bit of humans body and functionality.
            Doctors prescribe these supplements to a patient when they face deficiency of an element in their body. Now days, along with medicine, supplements are also sold direct off the counter without the need of a prescription. Many supplements have various side effects which are not written on the packaging which is the major drawback of buying it without consultation. The consumption of it should be strictly made by a doctor only and the retailers should follow the prescription for their customers’ safety and good health. 

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